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Introducing Jayne :)

Introducing Jayne :)
Jayne is 56 years old who used to have thick dark brown curly hair. Her journey into the world of wigs started this year with her mother, who at 80 years old arranged an appointment with a wig shop specialist. Her mother’s hair loss started during her mid-40s, but she had put off getting a wig in case she was made fun of. Which is similar to Jayne’s story, her hair loss started in her mid-40s, due to a stressful job within HR and hormone changes. Giving up the 9 to 5 and pursuing her passion for pottery slowed down her hair loss.

“Mum was quite self-conscious, putting up with her thinning hair for years. It used to be a lot more daunting, having to go into a department store and visit the wig concession. Whereas today you can do it all online, returning the wig if you don’t like it.”

They originally plucked up the courage to make an appointment with a wig shop which specialized in NHS clients and they picked out a wig which looked amazing on her mum. Jayne was so impressed that she decided to try one for herself. Initially opting for a clip in hair topper which proved especially practical for wearing with a crash helmet, as she does when she’s riding her motorbike! “People just thought I had my haircut, even asking me where I went to get it done.”

“At first I didn’t tell anyone I was wearing a wig but now I’m a lot more confident.”

From there she started to try a few different wigs, including some from the Ellen Wille taboo range. “Once I decided I wanted another wig I was looking online and found Valentine Wigs who were the most competitively priced.”

“It can be frustrating choosing wigs online, especially at first when you’re learning the terminology. The products often aren’t available to view in every colour of the wig, but this is the same everywhere. I found YouTube videos which offered a lot of hair care tips for wigs very useful early on.”  

Most practical wig? The hair topper from Ellen Wille - Effect in Chocolate Mix
Favourite wig? From the Ellen Wille Perucci Collection - Tabu in Rose Blonde

One of the things she loves about wigs is their ability to allow you to try completely new looks. “You can change hair colour nice and easy, I’ve just ordered a second wig for mum”.

How has she been coping with the lockdown?
“One of the real positives of wigs on lockdown is that my hair looks great every day and I’m not worrying about my grey roots. So many of my friends are missing the hairdresser - I just bought more hair!”

And how have you been spending your time?

“For me, pressure keeps me motivated, so without the usual demands from my pottery students I have really lacked motivation.  I’m very lucky that my Studio is at the bottom of my garden so I really have no excuses not to get on with my sculptures.  However, I have succumbed to the call of the Sofa and I have watched every show on Netflix going! Also looking after my mum and exercising my dog on the beautiful South Downs where I live has helped”.

Her favourite show on Netflix? “I really enjoyed Unorthodox and I was totally gripped on the edge of my seat watching Caliphate. If you haven’t seen it, it really is a must”

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us Jayne.

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